We all had a terrible year, but few may have tried to make it better and yes this is the time to validate how was 2020 for you and set your Goals for 2020. Here are the 20 questions prepared by Jeevan Sahadevan, Leverage Lab (From the Podcast gave to BFM Malaysia). This is a glimpse of his podcast and I represented it in a simple format to read.
Note: For the people who have read the above paragraph and about to close the browser.
I have one question for you. Which webseries are you going to watch next in Netflix?
Now before proceeding to questions you can leverage the tool Trello to prepare the dashboard or you can use pen and paper. A sample Trello dashboard of my 2020 analysis is given below. Before 2021 starts take some time to analyze the questions, Expected time to finish this 90 minute
Write down the Goals refer to the first col in the demo image. Make sure you have marked the percentage of achievment.
It’s a follow kinda question to your first question. If the goals don’t match with your achievement. Then please consider that has a wake-up call.
Tough year for many, you can write down like lack of savings like an example. Like Work life balance etc.
Eg: Getting new clients, New Job etc.
Eg. Working from Home, selling your course online. It’s basically help analyzing how the growth is in progress.
Before answering the question you think about how many decision you take in a year. Select the smartest question from it.
It can be like friend circle, colleague any.
Explain the things you did to improve, because those things won’t happen magically. If you find the answer then you can duplicate the same approach to others.
This will be the easiest one, Who influenced you most during the tough time and the person behind your achievement. It could be a friend it could be a stranger as well.
yea, its 2020. It can be virtually too. Its almost about communication you have done with.
critical question it is. Your friends influence you most.
Now the next 5 questions will be targeting your 2021. This should be something you want to put an end to in 2021. Eg: Stop complaining end about complaining about work.
It can be reading books etc. for success one must concentrate on your habits and routines where this question comes to the releavnce.
Achieving some specific title etc.
Make sure not less than 3.
This helps to develop a subconscious mind and attitude.