Winning Over Technology and Automation.

Technology and Automation

Winning Over Technology and Automation.

What are you looking for? The latest LCD tv or the latest Mobile available in the market? Motorcycles bad boys favourite toy! So which are you looking for?

Hi, am Adrin one of the regular freshers in her early stages toward finding a job after graduation. Nowadays, finding a job is extremely tough, let alone finding a good one. As UG students, we are sailors in the Harbor, while there are heavy tides on the sea, but we can not watch the tides with our arms.

Since am in a job search, i found out that the increased technologies have boom started huge impact on low skilled workers. Above all as technology grows, the methods to do manufacturing jobs are changed and as a result, the whole occupational structure has been changed. Technology today has truly come of age, Likewise we have some rare upper hand in our life which would have been incomprehensible even few decades ago.

Above all as technology grows, the methods to do manufacturing jobs are changed and as a result, the whole occupational structure has been changed. Technology today has truly come of age, Likewise we have some rare upper hand in our life which would have been incomprehensible even few decades ago.

If look back about hundred years, we shall be astonished to watch the farthermost changes that our world has undergone. Years ago we did not have Flights, underground super fast trains, trains literally flying with the help of the principle of magnetism, four wheelers and bikes as we know them today, phones as we know them today, or automatic machines.

But this does not recon on that automation has ended up on jobs for the people.

In my thoughts we have just been warned of “RISE OF ROBOTS”

that doesn’t me we are automated potentially. Amazon offers a more modern example of this phenomena. The company has over the 1 years have increased the number of robots working . At the same period, the rate of hired workers wasn’t changed.

A more of my readings also noted that there is definitely a positive relation between new technology and increasing employment in manufacturing companies, across all firms, and peculiarly in firms that adopted computers. As automation kills some jobs, it creates others also.

In the fact of one of my readings included that the Obama White House suggested that automation might create jobs in monitoring AI, such as managing new systems, and in replenishing infrastructure developments like self-driving cars.One drone to functionally work requires a human to operate denotes that automation notes our generation has inherited more opportunities to transform the world than any other.

That is a cause for optimism, but only if were mindful of our choices.. I believe automation is more likely to replace part of a job than an entire job.

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