Bearer Token | Postman to SAP CPI

Bearer Token Postman to SAP CPI
SAP Tech

Bearer Token | Postman to SAP CPI


The article shows the process of accessing an SAP CPI endpoint from the Postman client using Bearer Token as an Authorization mechanism.


Mocking a receiver

For the demo, I have created a simple integration flow to a mock receiver in SAP CPI. It uses an HTTPS sender adapter and a Content Modifier whose body is set to “This is a dummy receiver used for testing” ( This will be the response that we will be expecting at the end of the demo). The endpoint obtained by deploying the integration artifact looks as shown below.

CPI End point

Step 1 : Copy the end point and keep it handy to use as described in further steps.

Fetching Bearer Token

Step 2 : Open POSTMAN. Create a new request with the type POST

Fill the Request URL with tokenurl obtained from Step 10 of this post.

 Under Authorization,

Type: Basic Auth 

Username: Client ID 

Password: Client Secret 

Client Id and Client Secret you will get when you create Process Integration Runtime Instance. ( Refer to Step 10 of this post ).

Step 3: Switch to the Body tab. Select the radio button x-www-form-urlencoded.

Key : grant_type

Value : client_credentials

Click on Send.

You will get the Token as a response body as shown in the picture below. Copy the same.

Fetch Bearer Token

The steps to get an access token is completed. The next step is to use the token as Authorization to access SAP CPI iflow using the endpoint captured earlier.

Using the Bearer Token as Authorization

Step 4: Open a fresh request in postman. Paste the endpoint obtained in Step 1 into the request URL.

Operation: GET.

Under Authorization, Choose Type as Bearer Token. Paste the Token received in Step 3 into the Token space.

Click on Send.

Using Bearer Token

You will receive the expected response. In my case, I am getting the content set in Content Modifier as a response.

This token can be used until it expires. The expiry period will be displayed when you fetch the token. Once the token expires, a new token has to be generated.

TIP: It is advised to set the Token as a variable for security reasons.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, I hope you enjoyed reading this article on “Bearer Token | Postman to SAP CPI”, If yes, then don’t forget to spread the word about it. Do send the feedback to know more about it. Signing off

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