Git Cheat Sheet. 50 Git commands |Git Tutorials

Git commands Cheatsheet
Dev Labs Github

Git Cheat Sheet. 50 Git commands |Git Tutorials

Headsup to the Github Cheatsheet

This is part of GitHub/Git Tutorials and a continuation of the previous post where we discussed what is git and how to install it, I hope you have a basic understanding of what is Github in general. Let’s get started with Git Cheat Sheet. Git Cheat Sheet. 50 Git commands |Git Tutorials

Git Setup

Git init

Git workflow

Explaining Git Workflow
The role of Git

Selecting Files to Share

git add filename.ipynb

Commiting Changes

git commit -m "Give some meaningfull comments"

The Sharing Flow in Git

50 Git commands, git Tutorials

Adding a Remote

Git remote add origin URL
Adding Git commands

Uploading a file to Remote

git push origin [name_of_your_new_branch] -> Push the branch on github : 
git push origin :[name_of_your_new_branch]  -> Delete the branch on github : 
Git Cheat Sheet. 50 Git commands

Downloading File from the Remote

Git Pull -> To pull the file from the specific branch 
Git Cheat Sheet. 50 Git commands
 Git branch -> to see the existing branch
 Git checkout main -> To switch between the branch 
Git Branching
Git branch Meow  -> This will create a  new branch called Meow  
Git branch -a -> To see all the branch you created.

Git Commands

Here are the 50 Git commands |Git Tutorials whch can help you with different tasks

#git config
git --version
git config --global #for global level config 
git config #for project level config 
git config --global <"name"> 
git config --global <"email"> 
git config --global core.editor <"editor"> 
git config --global color.ui true 

#basic git commands 
git init #Initialize a local Git repository 
git add . #add all file in the current directory 
git add  #Add a file to the staging area 
git add -A #Add all new and changed files to the staging area 
git clone #Create a local copy of a remote repository 

#commit git
git commit #commit staged files 
git commit -a #stage and commit all changes to tracked files 
git commit -am "message" #stage and commit all files with a message 
git commit --amend -m "message" #add additional info to last commit 

git log #view changes 
git log --summary #view changes detailed 
git log --oneline #view changes breifly 
git status git show

#git diff command 
git diff 
git diff --color-words 
git diff -staged 

#to rename a file to directly stage 
git mv <filename> <renamed Filename>
git rm <filename>

#git branches 
git branch #list branches 
git branch <name> #create new branch
git branch -d [branch name] #delete branch 
git checkout <branch name>  #Switch to a branch 
git merge <branch name>   #Merge a branch into the active branch 
git merge <source name>  <Target name> #Merge a branch into a target branch 

#undo changes 
git checkout --  #telling git to undo changes in working directory. 
git checkout -- . #undo all changes in working directory 
git reset HEAD <file> #to unstage the file in staging area 
git revert <sha value> #to revert back to specfic commit 
git clean -n #show the untracked file status 
git clean -f #remove untracked files 

#adding our project to github 
git remote add origin <link URL>  #Add a remote repository 
git branch -M main #make the branch main 
git push -u origin main #Push changes to remote repository (and remember the branch


In conclusion, I hope you enjoyed reading this article on “Git Cheat Sheet. 50 Git commands |Git Tutorials”. In the next post, We will continue the Git/Github courses with more added materials. Signing off Sanjay Kv

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